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Slow going.. but STILL losing!

Things aren't going "fast". And I am totally ok with it.  Took me many years to get this fat, so it's quite alright for my body to take its time losing it all.  I am down almost 18 pounds since I was at my highest weight in June. I didn't really start trying to lose weight until July 7. So I don't think I am going to terribly bad.  I have stuck to my Weight Watcher's Smart Point's program for the most part. Went totally off on vacation last month, and Jessie and I spent this past weekend traveling to California and back for a quick visit. TOTALLY didn't count points, but just tried to make healthier choices - other than the soda I did drink at the Airport on Friday, and at Foster's Freeze on Saturday.

But I got my steps in, running around at an airport is definitely good exercise. And then walking at the Santa Monica pier with our friends helped get them in also. I expected to have a gain when I got home, or maybe, hopefully, stay the same.  But I was down .5 lbs this morning.

In other weight loss news. Daryl's company started a "Biggest Loser" competition. They are in their second week of nine weeks of the challenge. Every participant put in 20.00.  The winner will receive 65% of the total pot, second place gets 25%. and third gets 10%.  This has motivated him to lose weight also! He has been using the MyFitnessPal app, tracking every single thing he eats, watching his fat and calorie intake, and drinking lots of water. I am so proud of him!

Here we are before we gained weight, and also much MUCH younger! And then when we were pretty much at our heaviest, This past April.   -  In 2 months I will post another photo to show where we are then...  Hopefully, you will be able to see BIG changes with both of us!

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